By Brenda Schallberger, Council for the Homeless
Taking their leadership role seriously to lead advocacy efforts for the prevention and ending of homelessness, Council for the Homeless participates annually at Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day in Olympia during the assembly of the Washington State Legislature. On February 1st, CFTH chartered a bus, sponsored in part by Washington Low Income Housing Alliance, and sent over 30 delegates from Clark County to attend in-person meetings with lawmakers from the 17 th , 18 th , and 49 th districts. This dedicated group that boarded the bus before dawn was the largest number of delegates to attend.
Thank you to the Clark County Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day delegation, which included several community advocates and representatives of several organizations including Clark County Lawyers Program, Community Roots Collaborative, Faith Partners for Housing, Helping Hands, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Outsiders In, REACH Community Development, Share, and Tilikum.
Once arrived in Olympia, the delegates attended a short training and then split up into three groups to prepare their comments for meetings with lawmakers from their district. Advocacy had to be honed into concise sentences, include powerful value statements and conclude by asking specifically for the lawmakers’ support.
Craig Lyons assists CFTH to prepare comments for the day's meetings with lawmakers.